Saturday, March 2, 2013

Kittens and Horror Films

Scary movies and I have an agreement. I don't watch them, and I live a happy life. Even if scary moments happen in some of my favorite shows, namely Doctor Who (scariest monsters: Weeping Angels and the Vashta Narada), those I can take. But they still scare me. It is currently dark, and if I think too long about the Vashta Narada I get scared and close my door to the dark hallway.

In fact, I just checked my shadows. Still one. Phew.

Wait. There's another tally mark on my arm. Expletive.

The Silents. Quietly controlling humans for... wait, what was I saying?
Uhh, anyway, the only movies I've been able to stand, or even embrace, that have scary/horror elements are The Crazies and Christine. Both great movies. In one, a kid falls in love with his first car, and in another, they nuke a small town in Iowa!

"I'm sorry honey... but I saw a spider, and you know how much I hate spiders..."
"You did the right thing..."

 The Crazies is more of a suspense movie than scary movie, while Christine is a rather bad interpretation of the 1980's Stephen King novel. I'd do crazy things to see a proper adaptation of the book, because that story is GREAT.

She was born bad. Plain and simple. Somewhere deep on a darkened assembly line. Christine. A '58 Plymouth Fury possessed by Hell. She's taken control of her teenage owner, Arnie. Her previous owner is not alive to warn him. And now she's steering straight for the one person in her way. Arnie's girlfriend, Leigh. The other woman.

Regardless, John Carpenter's Christine is a great movie. They killed a few '58 Furys in the process, but they saved so many more by doing so.

Body by Plymouth. Soul by Satan.
And boy, what a body...
Throughout the movie, Christine really knows how to show her anger. If she's pissed at you, you'll know.

This is probably a good time to run to the nearest tall/tough object. By the way, houses can't stop her. She is humored by the challenge.

Also, Christine is still sexy when in the rough.

"You really want to insult me? Ask the last guy who did... oh yeah, he was run over the other day. How... unfortunate."

*from heckler way in the back of the crowd*
"But what does any of this have to do with kitten!?"

Quiet, you! Or I'll throw you out the airlock!

Anyway, what does this all have to do with kittens? I'm going to be honest, not much. However, I encountered an interesting Bookface post from a friend, who was scarred from watching a scary movie. And since I have been either scarred by things I saw on TV or in horror movies my family was watching while I was getting a drink from downstairs, etc..... I like to distract myself. And the most effective way is with cute.

And thus, I give you this:


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